Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Oh yeah, noise, it's all over. Why would people go to a club with music and scream their lungs out trying to converse, above all that musical noise. I was one of those people who went and spend much money going to a club just last week. Bearly any decent place to plonk your ass as you scan your eyes over the dimly lit place. The noise, yes the noise, it's blasting into your ears and your eyes are trying their best to see if there are places to rest your tired legs. No, not a place in sight.
And yet, you see a sofa empty of people but yet no ones ventures to sit on them. Arh....'reserved' plate atop the coffee table in front of the sofa. Oh well, what the heck, I am about to pay alot of money for a simple mug of beer, why not just plonk my tired ass on the unoccupied sofa. Who knows, people who 'reserved' those sofas may not show up. Non-stop music blarring in front of the audience and all you see are people leaning forward each other trying to hold a decent conversation. Singers came on stage to perform, some were good, some were awful. People everywhere with beer or some kind of alcoholic liquid on their hands, moving around leaning towards each other. I did the same too, leaning forward to speak and communicate. My lungs felt really painful screaming to be heard. Throat became dry from all that screaming. More beer bought to quench that thirsty throat.
As I sat listening to the music, I am simply wondering why was I there amidst all these noise and darkness when I could be home enjoying a quiet evening in front of my laptop watching all my downloaded movies. Alas, I thought to myself. I came because it's 'cool' to experience places like clubs or pubs. Again, what is the meaing of 'cool'?
As I sat and ponder, I wanted to go home to the quiet and peace of the home environment.

And yes, after 3 hours of noisy noise, I say I wanted to go home. And home I went.

1 comment:

bvqeblf said...

Hey mum! Finally your 2nd post is here! Well yeah I heard you went to the club last week. Can tell you didn't have as much fun as you've have wanted to. Oh well, it's the experience that counts eh. =)